Saturday, May 28, 2011

NOT Bummer Summer Guide...

NOT Bummer Summer Guide

Schools out for summer! Bring on the kid-friendly fun! From “A girl’s day out” to decorating cookies with a summertime theme- enjoy these ideas to make sure your summer is NOT a bummer!

Lemonade stand 
For many young kids, selling lemonade from a stand is a summer rite of massage- a chance to earn some pocket money, spend time outside and perhaps even a lesson on entrepreneurship.  Your kids will be so excited to be a part of this fun activity!

Host a Summer-Themed Cookie Decorating party!

You can prepare cookie-decorating stations with individual bowls of sprinkles, miniature candies and tubes of icing. Encourage the kids to decorate their cookies like butterflies and have flower shaped cookie cutters. has great supplies and decorating ideas.

Girls Day Out
Grab your girlfriends and your daughters and treat yourself to a manicure/ pedicure then take a trip to your local ice cream or frozen yogurt place and see the movie together! Girl bonding -thrilladelic style!

Summer Concerts are a great way to soak up the best local music and enjoy the outdoors.  The Clark Botanic Garden would be a great place to have a picnic on a summer weekend.

Don't forget to check out the new movie, Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer opening June 10th, 2011.

**This guide was written by the PR company representing Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer Movie**


Unknown said...

I like those ideas!!
Happy labor day week end!
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