Thursday, March 1, 2012

National Craft Month Day 1 - Milk Carton Planters...

Our first craft, in honor of National Craft Month is Milk Carton Planters!  These are the Instructions from eHow that we tried to follow when we made our planters!  

Things You'll Need

Milk carton, pop bottle or milk jug

Serrated knife

Potting Soil (or you own backyard soil)


Nail or ice pick

Water bottle mister

  1. Instructions:

    Seed Starters

    • 1
      Tell your kids to bring home their lunchtime milk cartons. These small throw-away containers are perfect reusable seed starters.
    • 2
      Wash the small milk cartons thoroughly with soap and warm water. Cut the top off with a sharp serrated knife, so that you have a box with an open top.
    • 3
      Fill the milk carton with commercial potting soil, up to ¼ inch from the top. Commercial potting soil is without any weed seeds or plant diseases and is perfect for seeding.
    • 4
      Plant a seed in each milk carton, according to the instructions on the back of the seed packet. Cover the seed hole with soil. Every seed planting depth is different, but should be about three times the length of the seed.
    • 5
      Mist the top of the soil with a water mister. Place the milk carton in a sunny window. Mist the soil each day. Soon the seed will germinate (grow through the soil). When the seedling is about 2 to 3 inches tall, it's ready to be transplanted.

    Plant Containers

    • 1
      Clean the milk carton, milk jug or large pop bottle thoroughly. Cut the top off, leaving an open container.
    • 2
      Cover the container with decorator foil (found at craft stores). Poke five or six holes in the bottom of the container for drainage. Use a nail or ice pick.
    • 3
      Fill the container with potting soil, leaving enough room for the seedling in the center.
    • 4
      Remove the seedling from the small milk carton container. Put it in the center of the larger container and fill in around it with soil.
    • 5
      Place the container outdoors on the porch or patio when the last frost has finished.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you use a dark-colored container, be aware that it will soak up heat and moisture. Check the soil often for dryness and water accordingly.
  • Decorative containers can be made from many things, such as garage sale buckets, canisters, wood boxes, even old shoes and boots. Repaint and decorate them, as you like.

Instructions found at


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