Saturday, February 18, 2012

Catching up...

Crazy, crazy times happening in the LIMomx2 household!

Well, we have had a crazy few weeks!!  We had the great opportunity to visit the ER not once, but twice!  

First our 5 year old came down with a nasty virus.  He had a fever of 105.5 and couldn't keep anything down.  That lasted a week.  Then 5 days later our 3 year old fell down the stairs and fractured her shoulder.  Thank God everyone is doing great now!  My son has recovered and went back to school (even though he didn't want to lol) and my daughter is getting around just fine with her little broken shoulder.

On a good not, I have started crafting for Easter and organizing around the house.  Being able to not go anywhere for over a week makes you either crazy or determined to get things done.  At first I will admit I went crazy but then started being productive:)

This week I hope to catch up on a lot of Blogging "stuff".  Since moving into the new house and still dealing with the old, I have been a tad busy.  But good things come to those who wait, or so I am told. ;)

Talk to you all soon:)  Have a nice weekend.


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